ElectroBraid™ Fence
ElectroBraid™ is an easily installed, permanent electric fencing system designed to provide a safe and secure horse fence. It is strong and durable and a fraction of the cost of other electric fencing systems. This safe electric farm fencing can stand alone as a permanent perimeter fence, or moved around for rotational grazing, and can be used as a portable or temporary fence for horses, sheep, cattle and other livestock. It is also a very cost-effective fence to exclude deer, moose, elk, caribou, bear, coyote and other animals from crops, airfields and highways.
Many prominent equine vets say ElectroBraid™ is one of the safest horse fences. At least 40,000 horses are now fenced behind ElectroBraid™. The ElectroBraid™ Fence System is designed to minimize injuries and secure horses safely. There are no sharp points or hard edges; no boards to break or splinter. Perhaps most important, your horses are amazingly stress-free inside ElectroBraid™. Because they are herd animals, horses want to clearly see the other horses. They want to see there are no predators. Stallions can watch their mares! Horses simply don't run the fence line with ElectroBraid™.
ElectroBraid™ combines resilience with barrier strength. Like a boxing ring, ElectroBraid™ absorbs force and springs back. The outer braided jacket is made of very high grade of polyester fiber - as used in auto seat belts and parachute harnesses. This polyester fibre is dimensionally stable; after stretching, it returns to its original length.
3 Rail White ElectroBraid 3 Rail White ElectroBraid
Close up of an ElectroBraid post insulator Close up of an ElectroBraid post insulator
Close up view of an end strainer and ring insulator Close up view of an end strainer and ring insulator
Medium view of white ElectroBraid fencing Medium view of white ElectroBraid fencing
White ElectroBraid horse fencing White ElectroBraid horse fencing
ElectroBraid fencing containing a white horse ElectroBraid fencing containing a white horse