1.5" Electric Tape Splice Buckle, Stainless Steel

SKU: R24

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The stainless steel tape splice buckle is similar to the end tensioner bracket; it securely holds the 1.5" electric tape in place. The splice buckle is used to join two rails of Pro-Tek electric tape together. It can also repair any tape webbing.

Compatibility: Pro-Tek Tape

Item Description

The stainless steel tape splice buckle is similar to the end tensioner bracket; it securely holds the 1.5" electric tape in place. The splice buckle is used to join two rails of Pro-Tek electric tape together. It can also be used to repair tape webbing.



- These are a must have for anyone running electric tape fence! They have come in handy more than once and it keeps your fence looking nice when repairs are needed. AS

- Comes in handy when making a repair to the fencing. Works great!