A Few Tips for Road Trips

A Few Tips for Road Trips

Here are some helpful reminders and checklists to use before and during travel:

Horse Equipment

Saddle, saddle pad or blanket, bridle, halter, lead ropes. Consider bringing along a type of gripper rein for horses who may become 'overly enthusiastic' from such a fun change of pace.

Cooler, or summer sheet.

Hay, grain, your own water, and water buckets.

Protective boots and trailer hat.

First aid kit for horses.

Think about bringing along extras of critical equipment in case of loss or breakage. When on the road, especially in unfamiliar territory, it's better to double up than to be without.

Rider Equipment

  • Helmet or hardhat; gloves.
  • Best, most comfortable riding boots; spurs if used.
  • Consider protective riding vests if dealing with a fresh horse.
  • Cell phone or two-way radio as a safety measure.
  • First aid kit for people.
  • Weather-appropriate gear: Extra gloves, lip balm, small pocket hand warmers, tissues, and bottled water can be very welcome items.

Trailer Pointers

  • Trailers with half partitions suspended above the floor allow horses to spread their feet out and stand more comfortably during long drives.
  • Swing or removable partitions allow your trailer to double as a stall.
  • Stop frequently, allowing your horse to stretch naturally without being tied or confined.

Have Fence, Will Travel?

Once you've reached your destination and enjoyed a ride or other time with your horse, giving him the comfortable rest he deserves is a priority. When preparing for a trip, it is not always clear that suitable stabling or turnout will be available at various stops or the final destination. Here are a couple of ideas to help keep costs down and give your horse a comfortable 'home away from home' to relax in and stretch out.

Portable Camping Corral?

RAMM's portable camping corral comes with everything you need to create 50' x 50' area enclosed by an electric fence. The portable corral is easy to put together, comes with a canvas carrying-bag and weighs only 18 pounds. Fiberglass rods with insulators, rewind wheel with one-inch electric tape, corner braces, gate handle, and a battery-operated charger make the portable corral easy to install, move and transport. After a quick set-up, your horse will have space to walk and graze after a long ride.

If your horse is not used to electric fencing, you may want to do a trial 'camp out' at home inside his home pasture. If time allows, do this over a few days, moving the portable corral outside the pasture area for the last day. Added bonus: rotational grazing!

Round Pen Panels

If you will be spending more than a few days at a single location, consider using Round Pen panels to create a temporary enclosure. They can be placed around the back of a trailer, allowing the trailer to serve as a stall, or separately for a small round pen. Although Round Pen panels are a little larger to transport, durability and strength more than makes up for any inconvenience. Ninety-degree corners help prevent a horse from getting a hoof or leg caught between panels and there are no sharp metal edges. Legs of the panels are rounded and have large openings so a horse can easily remove a leg or hoof if they roll or lay down. If staying at a destination for an extended period of time, Round Pen panels can be enclosed with a tarp to hold hay and can conveniently be made into standing or box stalls.

Taking a fence when traveling allows your horse to stretch and move in a more natural, safer environment. When your horse can relax, so can you, resulting in a more pleasant trip for both. Happy Trails!

debbie.pngDebbie has over 45 years experience with horses and equine-related businesses. She has owned, trained, boarded horses and run stables at various times in her career. She is a certified fence installer, has given balanced riding lessons, and has shown horses in Western, Western Pleasure, Trail, English, Hunter/Jumper, Fox Hunting, Hunter Trials, Dressage and driving classes. Debbie has been involved in foaling, and just about every aspect of horse ownership possible, and she welcomes your questions and comments.  If you are interested in using any articles by Debbie, please send her an email.

RAMM Fence Systems, Inc. makes every effort to provide reliable and useful information on horse health, care and products. The statements made on this website are based on years of experience with horses, however, they are based on generalized situations and should not replace diagnosis or treatment by a veterinarian or consultation by a professional. RAMM Fence Systems, Inc. does not assume any legal responsibility. Readers should always consult qualified health care providers for specific diagnosis and treatment.

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