Non-Horsey Husbands

Non-Horsey Husbands

Simply put, I have always been a horse girl! From the time I was knee high to that horse, I have been in a barn and riding. I kind of dragged my whole family into it. The kids had a pony to start off with and then later on their own horses. Soon my very non-horsey husband was feeling a bit left out and he decided that he needed to be more involved.

If this sounds like someone you know, read on and we are sure you will be able to relate or at least smile because you may have a similar story of your own! 

My husband has always been supportive of my love for horses. He’s an on the sidelines type, with just enough enthusiasm to ride about once or twice a year. He always likes to look the part; so cowboy boots were always in his closet, along with a Stetson hat. He always says, “You should always look the part, even if you can't ride the best". The kids and I were always wondering just what he would wear as he would get ready to go out to the barn. Let’s just say he never disappointed us yes once. He always looked like the Marlboro man!

I would be the one to halter, groom and saddle his horse. One of his favorite horses was Playboy (as in this horse would not hurt a fly), which my husband called, ‘Killer ‘- in front of other non-horsey friends. As I reminded him to be sure to always check his girth, we left the barn one day. He was in full chaps, flannel shirt and hat, and I was in barn chore clothes and a helmet. He was on a mission to take a ride beside a nearby park. There were people occasionally walking on the paths and it was a nice ride from the barn. It wasn’t too far but just far enough. I believe I saw the open ranges in his eyes that day as he and Playboy, I mean ‘Killer’... rode the open trails to a hill.


“Lean forward a little," I shouted, as he looked back for reassurance. Slowly he leaned forward, a man and his trusty steed. As he leaned forward, ever so slowly his saddle started to lean as well. "Stop and we will tighten your girth," I yelled to him. But ever so slowly gravity along with fists clenched to a western saddle horn turned and that cowboy plum went upside down. It was like a slow motion movie. He gently ended up directly under 'Killer' and realized he had to let go. 'Killer' did not move an inch.

My husband was in a state of ‘shock and awe’ as he regained composure and stood up. He brushed off his chaps, and picked up his hat. Onlookers just kept walking, as they saw no one in harms way. I did not know what to do first, because I was laughing so hard or should I say I was trying to not laugh so hard. Which didn’t make matters any better. So I got off my horse, leaning over multiple times, trying hard not to laugh, as I walked towards them. I pushed the saddle back on the horse, tightened the girth and said I would give him a 'leg up' to get back on the horse. The mounting block was back at the barn. (*Side note: Now my husband was fuming because I couldn't stop laughing).

But no cowboy lets a 'little lady' do that kind of thing - help a cowboy back on his horse, (pride goes a lot further than pain!). So my cowboy took the reins and walked 'Killer' back to the barn. No one was hurt, only the disappointment of no one whispering ...'Desperado'...


Oh, by the way, home was no more than 5 minuets away! The kids and I were all sure that after we hung his clothes back in the closet, his next ride would be in about a year! But mark my words that was not the end of the Marlboro man!

Thank you Kristen K. for teaming up with Debbie to tell this true 'Non-Horsey Husband' story!

We are sure many wives have good stories like this one! If you can relate to this story, we would love to hear about your 'Non-Horsey Husband' and how he helps you at the barn! You may see your story in our next enewsletter! Please send any comments to Debbie at

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