Spice It Up! Change Your Routine With Your Horses as the Seasons Change

Spice It Up! Change Your Routine With Your Horses as the Seasons Change

Here we are in mid August...already! The summer is just slipping away. If you're like me, you are in a routine with your horses and by now your horses seem to know exactly what that routine is going to be! "SPICE IT UP"! Before the days get shorter and the cool wind comes through, consider "spicing up" your routine and pack in some "good things" to do with your horse before fall is here!

When was the last time that you attended a good clinic? 

Personally, I had not sat through a full clinic in years! This year, in June, we had Kenny Harlow out to our RAMM Equine R&D Farm for a 5-day clinic. It was so inspiring that many of the training techniques that Harlow taught and demonstrated are still a part of my daily new "routine".

Jam packed with good ideas for any horse, any discipline, Harlow truly gives a "bang for the buck" and teaches you, so solidly, how to work with your horse! I would highly recommend searching out local clinics or even local associations that put on clinics throughout the year. You may find that you participate or even just audit (observe) and take a lot of good ideas home with you.

One Tip: Take a note book and pen to jot down good ideas. When you get home you will be able to review your notes and use you new techniques with your horse!

Visit a local training barn and find out their training schedules.

Many local barns that offer lessons will allow you to observe and listen to lessons. At the same time, you can ask for any listings of shows or events that may be taking place before the season ends. Most local training barns have rated or non- rated shows that go on until the end of the season. There is nothing more exciting than to watch a show and see where you would like to be with your horse one day. Or, by observing, you may find out that the show venue is meant for you and your horses' level, and attend the next show or one in the future!

Visit your local horse riding park, camps, and riding clubs.

With the weather being so wonderful at this time of the year, there are many parks that have horse trails loaded with beautiful scenery. Oak Openings Park, located in Swanton Ohio, is just one example of a local park with over 12 miles of horse trails. There is a trailer loading and unloading area, a small barn with available water, picnic tables and more! Trails in this park take you from heavily wooded pine forests to sand dunes, bridges and beautiful water areas. This park is known for its miles of varying riding trails. There is nothing more relaxing or enjoyable than a beautiful trail ride! Go to your internet browser and you will quickly find just how many campgrounds and riding areas are in your local area! Then set a date with you, your horse and perhaps other riders that want to partake in a good "get away" before cold weather arrives!

Have you ever tried a new discipline lately?

Now is the time to do it! There are so many associations where fellow horse owners would be so willing to show you the discipline that they do. Have you ever driven a horse and a cart? Have you ever tried jumping or dressage? These disciplines are all based on 'balanced riding", the 'core' of what we all do when we ride! By 'expanding' your horizons' and 'stepping out ' of your comfort zone, you will be amazed at how much you have been missing! With the proper help, you may find that you are more inspired and enthused about riding than you ever have been! Try some lessons, you may find that your instructor helps you to find more happiness through riding than you could have imagined!

What about an Equine Horse Riding Vacation?

If you 'Google' Horse Riding Vacations, you will not have to look far to find beautiful lodges, ranches, and farms that offer wonderful accommodations for you and your horse! Many Equine vacation resorts also have horses available for the 'non' horse owners that might accompany you to your destination! You will be surprised at the locations of these farms and additionally the nearby sights and fun filled places to visit.

What about investing in a good set of training DVD's?*

Bring your interests right to your home and have a 'staycation'. Find your best horse 'mentor' on the web and order a set of good DVD's or videos. By doing this you just gave yourself a 'big gift', AND will be inspired to try new training techniques that you can use with your horse!

Don't forget the local library!!!

What a wonderful resource our libraries are today! If your library does not have a book that you are looking for, they will order it for you from the main branch. Not only can you get your books there, but you can get DVD's, videos, as well as books on tape and e-books! If you have not taken advantage of the library lately....you will find that they have so many resources that can help you with your horses! Moreover, its free-lending!

I would just like to challenge you to "spice it up" and get inspired before fall sets in! By challenging yourself you not only gain a better ride, but also grow as a person! What a better way to spend time investing in your well being, your horses, and maybe even a family member!

*If you'd like to order Kenny Harlow training tapes it will be well worth the visit!

debbie.pngDebbie has over 45 years experience with horses and equine-related businesses. She has owned, trained, boarded horses and run stables at various times in her career. She is a certified fence installer, has given balanced riding lessons, and has shown horses in Western, Western Pleasure, Trail, English, Hunter/Jumper, Fox Hunting, Hunter Trials, Dressage and driving classes. Debbie has been involved in foaling, and just about every aspect of horse ownership possible, and she welcomes your questions and comments.  If you are interested in using any articles by Debbie, please send her an email.

RAMM Fence Systems, Inc. makes every effort to provide reliable and useful information on horse health, care and products. The statements made on this website are based on years of experience with horses, however, they are based on generalized situations and should not replace diagnosis or treatment by a veterinarian or consultation by a professional. RAMM Fence Systems, Inc. does not assume any legal responsibility. Readers should always consult qualified health care providers for specific diagnosis and treatment.

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