What Fence Colors Do Horses See Best?

It’s long been debated what colors horses can actually see...


Over the years of researching and talking with horse owners across the United States, we have found the color of the fence rail for visibility is not really a safety issue with horses. Alternatively, the ​larger issue at-hand is having more space between rails and choosing less-safe fence alternatives.


Most horses can easily move away from tree branches, tall weed patches, or anything that obstructs their path. Likewise, most horses will quickly learn the boundary of their fenced pastures whether the color is white, black, brown, or speckled. All of the aforementioned colors are colors horses see in nature.

• White is a traditional color that can make your property appear larger because it stands out so well against a natural background. If you are in a climate with heavy snow, white fencing will not stand out as well; choosing a different color or combining white with black or brown will help.

• Black is classy, elegant, and makes quite a rich statement. It has traditionally been tied to usage on large farms. Many farms choose black fencing for its visibility in snowy weather and tendency not to show dirt.

• Brown is a more subtle color and offers a more natural look; coordinating well with tan and neutral barn/house colors. Dirt and mud are also harder to see on brown fencing.


Speckled is white with traces of interwoven black conductors throughout the fence rail. This will give you both of the benefits from white (stands out in natural settings) and black (stands out in the snow).


The bottom line is your horses can see any of the available colors. Choose a color that will work best on your farm – think about the structures on your property and the overall look you want to achieve.