Fence FAQs

Horse fence projects can be very challenging. For over 30 years, ​RAMM has helped horse owners find the safest containment solutions available. Over those years, there have been many different scenarios and we've found there are many different variables that come into play in each situation – from frost line depth to soil types, and so on! We've assembled the most common fence planning installation questions:



Flex Fence FAQs


Electric Fence FAQs


Horse fencing can be one of the most attractive features of a horse facility, but not all fence is suitable for horses. Fencing is a major capital investment that should be carefully planned before construction.

Well-constructed and maintained fences enhance the aesthetics and value of a stable facility, which in turn complements marketing efforts. Poorly planned, haphazard, unsafe, or non-maintained fences will detract from a facility’s value and reflect poor management. Good fences can be formal or informal in appearance, yet all should be well-built and carefully planned.  

Often, more than one kind of fence is used at a facility. Different fences might be installed for grazing pastures, exercise paddocks, riding arenas, or for securing property lines. Land topography influences the look, effectiveness, and installation of fencing. Consider different horse groups; stallions, weanlings, mares, mares with foals, and geldings all have different fencing requirements. A fence should keep horses on the property and keep away nuisances such as dogs and other unwanted visitors. Fences aid facility management by allowing controlled grazing and segregating groups of horses according to age, sex, value, or use.

Pasture use may range from exercise paddocks (corrals) to grazing or hay production. Paddock layout should allow for ease of management, including the movement of horses, removal of manure, and care of the footing surface. Pasture design should allow field equipment, such as mowers, manure spreaders, and baling equipment to enter and maneuver easily. This will reduce fence damage by machinery and the time needed to work in the field.

Many experienced horse owners will relay stories about the savings for cheaper, but unsafe, horse fences (e.g. barbed wire). Eventually (and regretfully), these owners will have to pay veterinary bills to treat their injured horses.

If you have a question more specific to your property and horses, we welcome you to ​call in to speak with ​a friendly RAMM expert at 800-434-6293. Additionally, you can watch our YouTube playlist specifically dedicated to horse fence how-to and installation videos or visit our Pinterest board for more ideas!