RAMM Articles

RAMM Horse Fencing & Stalls has been helping horse owners with all aspects of horse fencing, horse stalls and everything equine related for over 30 years. We want give you our time tested experiences through numerous informative articles; readers find them to be informative and helpful. RAMM has been a “hub” for equine activity and has had ​numerous encounters with horse owners from the 4-H and Pony Club level, up to the World Championship and Olympic Rider level. 

Having the opportunity to work with such a diverse and fabulous group of horse owners and riders has given us valuable input for our readers. Many of our articles have been printed in horse magazines as well as builder's publications. We hope you learn more and enjoy reading further about “what works!”

Do you have an idea for an article? Send us an email with your suggestions!

  • Summer Safety

    Summer Safety

    For many horse owners, summer is the favored time of year. Blue skies and sunny days mean more opportunities to be out with our equine friends. Planned rides, shows and events fill the calendar.

  • Stall Options

    Stall Options

    Horse housing has come a long way since the days of tie stalls. The standard is now roomy, comfy box stalls with better ventilation, better lighting and more options than ever before!

  • Automatic Waterers

    Automatic Waterers

    If you have looked into watering options and feel that it's time for a permanent solution, automatic waterers may be the answer you're looking for. Automatic waterers allow your horses get the fresh water they need without constantly filling their buckets.

  • Whoa: Getting Your Horse to Stop

    Whoa: Getting Your Horse to Stop

    How many times have you tried to stop your horse and said ''whoa'', but nothing happened? Maybe you pulled back on the reins to stop, and you stopped but your horse didn't. Stopping is the most important thing that your horse should know.

  • First-Time Riders

    First-Time Riders

    Many people know that I have had horses for years. And like me, I'm sure you get frequent requests from people who want to ride your horses.

  • Feeding: Choosing the Right Equipment For the Job

    Feeding: Choosing the Right Equipment For the Job

    Feeding is a time-consuming task that must be done twice a day, seven days a week. It can be a messy, daunting chore, but it must be done. Cold weather can make it especially tough!

  • Watering: Tips to Keep You Out of the Freeze

    Watering: Tips to Keep You Out of the Freeze

    Fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year. It is so invigorating to get out on the trails, ride in the crisp air and view the splendor of the changing leaves. The horses feel better and the change in the air seems to put them in a better mood.

  • 1" Flex-Fence

    1" Flex-Fence

    This article is the second in a series profiling different fencing options and the situations they are well suited for. Last month we covered electric tape, how it works, why it works and things to consider when using this type of fence. This month we'll cover 1 inch flex-fence and some of its applications.

  • Give That Old Fence New Life

    Give That Old Fence New Life

    During the course of your daily chores, you probably encounter areas of your fencing system that need some serious help. You know that the longer you wait, weather and your horses will continue to take their toll.

  • Fencing Considerations for Dry Lot Areas

    Fencing Considerations for Dry Lot Areas

    At times, grass can become pretty scarce in the areas you keep horses, either because it is a smaller contained area or because several horses are using the same section. Limited access to grazing will actually lead to added wear on your fence.