RAMM Articles

RAMM Horse Fencing & Stalls has been helping horse owners with all aspects of horse fencing, horse stalls and everything equine related for over 30 years. We want give you our time tested experiences through numerous informative articles; readers find them to be informative and helpful. RAMM has been a “hub” for equine activity and has had ​numerous encounters with horse owners from the 4-H and Pony Club level, up to the World Championship and Olympic Rider level. 

Having the opportunity to work with such a diverse and fabulous group of horse owners and riders has given us valuable input for our readers. Many of our articles have been printed in horse magazines as well as builder's publications. We hope you learn more and enjoy reading further about “what works!”

Do you have an idea for an article? Send us an email with your suggestions!

  • Planning Your Gates

    Planning Your Gates

    When planning the layout of your farm or ranch, it's important to think about the placement of your gates. Gates are necessary because they allow access to fenced-in areas and provide a space for vehicles and farm equipment to enter pastures.

  • Making a Safer Stall For Your Horse

    Making a Safer Stall For Your Horse

    Upon first glance, your horse's stall appears to be a safe home. Nothing obvious appears to be wrong; no broken boards or protruding nails. The feed bin is secured and there's water in his bucket.

  • Stall Mats Conserve Time, Money

    Stall Mats Conserve Time, Money

    Most horses spend a good portion of their day or week in a stall. They eat, sleep, and find safety in this typically sized 12 foot x 12 foot haven. As equine owners, we need to make sure that the stall is clean, safe, and comfortable for our horses.

  • Fencing For Foals

    Fencing For Foals

    Each year, a new crop of foals enters the world. Barns everywhere are filled with excitement as expectant mares approach their due dates. Before new foal even arrives, you will have already invested significant time and money.

  • Spring Is In the Air

    Spring Is In the Air

    The birds are chirping, flowers are blooming and spring is in the air! Warmer weather and more sunshine mean more energy for our horses, extended time in pasture and preparation for the show season or busy summer of riding.

  • Trailering Safety Tips

    Trailering Safety Tips

    Now that the holidays are over and the New Year is upon us, spring will be here before we know it. We anxiously await the upcoming warm weather, horse shows, and trail rides.

  • A Few Tips for Road Trips

    A Few Tips for Road Trips

    The weather's warming up, and it's time to hit the road. There is nothing better than taking a trip with a best friend, four-legged or two-legged. Whether traveling with horse in tow to compete in shows, endurance or 4-H, or setting off to a beautiful state park for a relaxing ride, preparation is key.

  • Arena Conditioning

    Arena Conditioning

    Have you ever entered your schooling track or practice arena and felt like you were getting ready to ride on the surface of the moon? Craters, deep furrows, and road apples make for pretty uneven riding conditions.

  • Five Tips for Trailer Organization

    Five Tips for Trailer Organization

    The show season is well underway and, if you are like me, your once-organized horse trailer has turned into a not-so-organized disaster! Let’s face it, there's not much time between classes to neatly put clothing, tack and other horsey gear back into their prospective places.

  • Show Checklists

    Show Checklists

    In most areas of the country, summer is the height of show season. Equine competition is an entirely different, and very rewarding, aspect of horse ownership. The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat, the joy in meeting and beating personal goals, and the chance to show off all of our hard work can teach us a lot.