RAMM Articles

RAMM Horse Fencing & Stalls has been helping horse owners with all aspects of horse fencing, horse stalls and everything equine related for over 30 years. We want give you our time tested experiences through numerous informative articles; readers find them to be informative and helpful. RAMM has been a “hub” for equine activity and has had ​numerous encounters with horse owners from the 4-H and Pony Club level, up to the World Championship and Olympic Rider level. 

Having the opportunity to work with such a diverse and fabulous group of horse owners and riders has given us valuable input for our readers. Many of our articles have been printed in horse magazines as well as builder's publications. We hope you learn more and enjoy reading further about “what works!”

Do you have an idea for an article? Send us an email with your suggestions!

  • Barn Fans for Better Air Quality in any Season

    Barn Fans for Better Air Quality in any Season

    The Agrifans, Manufactured for RAMM, accomplish everything we are looking for in ventilation for the horse barn environment. They push stale air out of the environment, evaporate moisture to reduce mold spores, especially on stall walls, keep flies and mosquitoes from landing on your horses, remove harmful toxins from the air, removes stagnant air from corners and other pockets and are horse safe.

  • 10 Ways to Improve Your Fence and Barn

    10 Ways to Improve Your Fence and Barn

    The end of summer is fast approaching. I am with you; I don't want to think about it either. This has been a good horse filled summer! But as much as I know August will soon be headed into September and day light is beginning to become slightly shorter, we can get ahead of the game and get our barns in good shape before... dare I say it... the cold weather approaches. Read on, I have some good ideas to get you moving in the right direction. You will be on top of the end of the season barn and pasture keeping before you know it!

  • Spirit Horse

    Spirit Horse

    This is one of our customer's stories from the mouth of the account manager that heard it. It is about Richard Finley of Brooklet, GA and his late horse Buddy. Buddy was 23 years old when he passed from colic. Buddy had a great life with his owner and best friend, Rick. So much so, that he doesn’t seem to want to leave his side. Rick kept hearing Buddy nicker and whinny like he used to do when Buddy was alive. One night Rick went out to take some pictures and this is his story.

  • Horse Barn Overhead Ceiling Fans

    Horse Barn Overhead Ceiling Fans

    Are the long hot days of summer taking a toll on you and your horse? Enjoyable rides can turn hot ans sweaty in no time. Barn work can be draining and before you know it, you're shortening your time in your barn and with your horse. To help solve the problem, you may have purchased box or basket fans for your horse stalls or barn aisle. Only to realize you're not sure how to rig them on, above or over the areas. Consider installing commerical grade agricultural ceiling fans in your barn to keep cool on those hot days.

  • Choosing a Stall System for Your Barn

    Choosing a Stall System for Your Barn

    Thinking of building a barn or renovating an old one? You should know that Ramm Stalls and Horse Fencing has been offering quality stall systems for more than 20 years. As with every product we sell, our stall systems offer comprehensive choice, quality craftsmanship, durability, and affordability. Of course, safety is always our number one priority here at Ramm, so all of our stall systems are built with the most accident prone horse in mind. Let’s look at what you need to know before you go stall shopping.

  • Mare and Foal Fencing

    Mare and Foal Fencing

    Just as expectant parents prepare a safe and comfortable nursery for their human baby, broodmare owners should prepare a safe turnout for their mares and foals. Nursery paddocks needn’t be elaborate, but they do need to be baby-safe. Babies of all species are curious, innocent, and can easily get themselves into terrible predicaments. Foals are no different. From his first few hours of life, your foal will begin testing the boundaries of his world. He’ll need lots of room as he learns to romp, play, jump, leap, roll around and fall fast asleep in the warm sun. Exercise is critical to the development of a strong skeletal system that will turn him into an athlete as he grows. Let’s look at some of the components of safe fencing and turnout for mares and foals.

  • Small Wonder

    Small Wonder

    Instead of choosing a guide dog, a blind woman puts her trust in a surprising choice - and it has transformed her life. When Renata di Pietro walks into a store near her home in Cleveland, GA, jaws drop, cameras click and strangers want to talk. "It's like the paparazzi are after me," she says, laughing.

  • Spring Horse Turnout

    Spring Horse Turnout

    This winter wasn’t all that wintry in most areas of the country, but that doesn’t stop us from getting excited about the warm, sunny days to come. I know I can’t wait to see our horses kicking up their heels in the sun! This year, we created a Spring Checklist that will help ensure your horses stay healthy and injury-free. Let’s look at some of the things we should do before we kick up our heels.

  • Choosing the Right Fence for Your Horse

    Choosing the Right Fence for Your Horse

    Choosing the right fence is a little like choosing the right bridle. We want it to be functional, durable, and fit our budget. Of course, we also want it to look beautiful. Fortunately, we can have it all. This month, I share some of the choices available to you and where they work best. Let’s start with tensioned fence systems. They’ve been on the market here in the United States for several decades. Originally used in Italy in the 1950s, tensioned fence systems revolutionized the horse fence industry. But those early versions of Polymer Tensioned Fences were difficult to install and required at least two people for installation. Due to the wire and rail design, tremendous torque was required to get the fence taut, but that tension would eventually pull the corner posts out of place. Today’s designs eliminate those problems.

  • Bracing the Tension Fence

    Bracing the Tension Fence

    Mention ‘tension fencing’ and three of your closest neighbors will say- ‘Oh! forget it!- it’s a bear to install!’ We used to think so, too, but our innovative Flex Fence®, made exclusively by RAMM, takes that ‘bear of a job’ and turns it into something anyone can do. Even so, our Flex Fence® still offers all the qualities we love; it gives on impact, it’s absolutely beautiful, and it’s virtually maintenance-free.