RAMM Articles

RAMM Horse Fencing & Stalls has been helping horse owners with all aspects of horse fencing, horse stalls and everything equine related for over 30 years. We want give you our time tested experiences through numerous informative articles; readers find them to be informative and helpful. RAMM has been a “hub” for equine activity and has had ​numerous encounters with horse owners from the 4-H and Pony Club level, up to the World Championship and Olympic Rider level. 

Having the opportunity to work with such a diverse and fabulous group of horse owners and riders has given us valuable input for our readers. Many of our articles have been printed in horse magazines as well as builder's publications. We hope you learn more and enjoy reading further about “what works!”

Do you have an idea for an article? Send us an email with your suggestions!

  • Welded Horse Stalls - The Perfect Choice for a Durable and Quality Stall

    Welded Horse Stalls - The Perfect Choice for a Durable and Quality Stall

    One of our most valued and most popular stall systems, according to our customers, are our welded stalls for their durability and quality. Here we will tell you why Welded Stalls are for you.

  • 12 Tips for Winterizing Your Barn

    12 Tips for Winterizing Your Barn

    Twelve tips that will help you prepare your barn for the winter months, including tips on winterizing your equipment and water buckets.

  • Who Wouldn't Want to Ride at Oak Openings Metro Park (and pick up an order at RAMM Fence)?

    Who Wouldn't Want to Ride at Oak Openings Metro Park (and pick up an order at RAMM Fence)?

    Looking for a reason to put your horses in the trailer and ride at a beautiful location? Check out Oak Openings Metro Park located in Whitehouse, Ohio! From 7 a.m. to dark, free riding is available on groomed trails that offer a diverse experience.

  • Is Your Horse Showing Signs of Equine Blindness?

    Is Your Horse Showing Signs of Equine Blindness?

    A list of helpful suggestions to ease into a new, yet, productive life style when living with your horses changing vision. As horse owners, we can sometimes find ourselves in difficult situations that we did not expect, one of which can be equine blindness.

  • 10 Helpful Summer Reminders

    10 Helpful Summer Reminders

    As everyone falls full swing into summer, it can be easy to forget to do some of the most needed jobs in the barn. The regular maintenance can fall to the way-side of riding, showing, gardening or busy weekends. The following check list should prove to be helpful.

  • Any Signs of Soreness with Your Horse?

    Any Signs of Soreness with Your Horse?

    A Reminder To Help Every Horse Owner: Our Ohio spring will be one to remember. A late spring gave way to rain, rain, and more rain. Finally we had temperatures that gave us hope of warmer days....and yes, then temperatures soared into the 80's and 90's.

  • What Kind of Fencing Should I Get For My Horse?

    What Kind of Fencing Should I Get For My Horse?

    Here at RAMM, we get a lot of questions from our customers. After 30 years of being in the horse fencing and stall business, our most often asked question is “What kind of fencing should I get for my horses?”

  • Eliminate Frozen Water Buckets in the Winter

    Eliminate Frozen Water Buckets in the Winter

    January winds and cold crunchy snow abound in our Ohio region this time of the year! Cold weather climates can be challenging for horse…

  • Get Organized in 2011

    Get Organized in 2011

    The old year is gone and the new one is here! Have you been looking forward to 2011, a fresh start - a clean…

  • Brrrrr ... it's getting cold! 5 Tips for Winter Horse Care

    Brrrrr ... it's getting cold! 5 Tips for Winter Horse Care

    December is here! That means everything gets busier in this holiday packed month! And in our area, it’s getting much colder, burrr!!! I'm sure…