RAMM Articles

RAMM Horse Fencing & Stalls has been helping horse owners with all aspects of horse fencing, horse stalls and everything equine related for over 30 years. We want give you our time tested experiences through numerous informative articles; readers find them to be informative and helpful. RAMM has been a “hub” for equine activity and has had ​numerous encounters with horse owners from the 4-H and Pony Club level, up to the World Championship and Olympic Rider level. 

Having the opportunity to work with such a diverse and fabulous group of horse owners and riders has given us valuable input for our readers. Many of our articles have been printed in horse magazines as well as builder's publications. We hope you learn more and enjoy reading further about “what works!”

Do you have an idea for an article? Send us an email with your suggestions!

  • Stall Planning Pointers

    Stall Planning Pointers

    When it comes to laying out a stall barn, you want to give it as much attention as you would planning your own home. After all, this will be your horses home for many years. Be sure to plan enough space for each stall.

  • ThuroBed Mattress System: The Ultimate in Stall Flooring

    ThuroBed Mattress System: The Ultimate in Stall Flooring

    After a ten-hour trailer ride, my horses and I had finally made it from Pennsylvania to our new home in Ohio. I tossed and turned the entire evening worrying about how my boys were fairing in their new stalls.

  • Fencing For Minis

    Fencing For Minis

    A mini is just what it sounds like, a miniaturized version of the average horse. Everything is smaller! Generally, minis check in at 34 inches or less, so you'll need to downsize everything when it comes to fencing.

  • How Many Rails?

    How Many Rails?

    The number of rails you choose has a lot to do with the kind of horses you own or have at your farm. How tall are your horses? Will you have foals, ponies, or minis in the future? The height of your fence will ultimately determine the appropriate number of rails.

  • Electric Twine and Polywire

    Electric Twine and Polywire

    This is the fourth in a series of articles outlining the variety of fencing options available and the conditions in which they work best. This month's piece will continue the electric fence trend by discussing Electric Twine and Polywire.

  • Life Lessons With Our Horses

    Life Lessons With Our Horses

    As I have owned horses my whole life, it can be hard for me to explain the relationship that occurs over time between owner and animal. Some owners are purely devoted to breeding and to having the mare that throws the perfect winner's circle foal.

  • Calming Competitive Jitters

    Calming Competitive Jitters

    You have prepared for the day of competition; hours of practice, sore muscles (you and your horse), sweat, dirt, dedication to perfection, changed habits that were difficult to undo in order to be the best.

  • Fencing and Stall Considerations for Any Breed or Size

    Fencing and Stall Considerations for Any Breed or Size

    Don't you just love owning horses? I do, and I have been fortunate to have had many types, breeds, and sizes of horses. Unlike many others, I have not been loyal to one particular breed of horse.

  • Hold Your Horses

    Hold Your Horses

    I really didn't think too much about gates, until my horses got loose. Six horses, 24 pounding hoofs, and six tails flagged to the wind! They were the happiest horses in Ohio.

  • Life After Boarding: Bringing Your Horse Home

    Life After Boarding: Bringing Your Horse Home

    If you have always boarded your horses, the opportunity to bring them home is one of life's greatest pleasures. It is truly wonderful to be able to walk out of your home and visit with your equine friends any time you want.